About Me


Hello! I´m Laura Cosculluela, fashion designer, textile artisan and tireless traveller.

I studied fashion design at ESDi university in Sabadell (Barcelona), as well as an advanced degree in pattern cutting and dressmaking. Afterwards I worked for several years in the fashion industry, in big companies and family businesses, in which I had the opportunity to work and explore different departments within the industry: design, quality control and garment development, fabrics sourcing, pattern cutting...

All those experiences taught me a lot about the fashion world, but also about how fast fashion works and its consequences. My visits to several factories in India sparked a consciousness in me about the real costs that fast fashion pose, both for the environment and for the people who work in the factories.

My other great passion is travelling. I lived travelling for several years, around many different parts of the world (South East Asia, Europe, India, Nepal, Mexico, Costa Rica...). Travelling has helped me perceive the world as a place worth taking care of and respecting. I have understood the immense value of nature, and the imperative need to protect it. We must rekindle our connection with it; the world is beautiful and it is our task to cherish it.

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think that those of us who work in fashion have the responsibility to find ways of doing it which are respectful to the environment; fast fashion generates tonnes of textile residue, and also promotes passing trends, which means changing what´s hanging in our closets every season. This has a tremendous environmental cost. As designers, we have the ability of changing these parameters, giving more value to concepts such as manual labour, the creation of unique items, as opposed to bulk production, and working in a way which generates the least possible amount of waste. To do so, I upcycle textile materials that, although being beautiful and in perfect condition, the industry discards.

As the fabrics I work with come in small pieces, each item that I create is unique in terms of fabrics and colours. I always try to use as much as possible of each piece; this is the reason why I spend extra time choosing the pieces that fit best with my patterns. I buy the trimmings for my bags in small, local businesses, thus contributing to the circular economy of the area, and ensuring a fair price for all the links in the chain.

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This is my contribution to creating a world that is a little better for the people who live in it, a world where profit is not the most important factor, and where every person can wear something unique, made slowly, with love and effort, by someone who lives just around the corner.

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